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Using living green wall planters can create an environment that is both healthy and visually stunning. It is a great way to bring life into a concrete jungle.
There are a number of different types of plants that can be used for a living green wall. Some are designed to cope with different climates and environments. Others are more suitable for outdoor walls.
The best plant species for a green wall must be chosen based on the climate in the area. It also needs to have a long life and be resistant to disease. It is a good idea to consult a garden nursery for advice on which plants to use.
The process of planting is similar to that of a traditional garden. You need to prepare the soil, water and prune the plant. You can also add fertilizer to help the plant grow.
A living green wall requires the same upkeep as a traditional garden. Plants need to be nourished regularly and dead heads should be removed to keep the wall looking its best.
A growing number of businesses and individuals are beginning to notice the benefits of using living green wall planters. It can change the way people think about plants in the home. It can also improve the air quality of a building.
These systems are a good option for those who don't have the time or resources to maintain a traditional garden. It is a relatively new technology and isn't always as easy to implement as you might imagine.