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Having a wood fireplace or wood stove is a great way to heat a house. You can choose from various models and styles to fit your house and your style. Compared to an open fire, they offer a more efficient and clean method of heating your home. They are also less expensive than other heating options.
A wood fireplace is usually installed on a hearth pad and vented vertically, which means that it draws in air from the room and sends it up the chimney. There are also fireplaces that have blowers to blow warm air back into the room. Some are also made with glass doors, which help prevent burning embers from escaping. You can also purchase wood fireplace accessories that add to the appeal of your fireplace.
Wood stoves are also a great way to heat a house, especially in places where you cannot have a fireplace or gas. They are EPA certified, which means they meet certain efficiency and safety standards. The wood that is used in these appliances needs to be seasoned for at least six months. Unseasoned wood produces more smoke than seasoned wood. This will result in more creosote in the chimney. Also, the firebox needs to be able to handle the load. If the firebox is overloaded, the fire can be dangerous.
The EPA has developed educational materials on wood burning and how to prevent harmful emissions. It also offers videos on best practices for burning. There are also nuisance/odor rules to help control neighboring neighbors' emissions. Most cities offer monetary rebates or change out programs for older wood burning fireplaces.
To get the most efficient wood fireplace, you will need to look for features that will help you make it easier to maintain. Some features include vent-free logs, which boost efficiency. Others are equipped with oxygen depletion sensors and remote controls. Some models are equipped with a vent-free log kit, which allows you to put logs right over the burner.
The efficiency of your wood fireplace depends on the firebox size and the number of logs that you burn. A 3.1 cubic foot firebox will generate 85,000 BTUs per hour. For a smaller fireplace, you might choose a 1.6 cubic foot firebox. A larger unit will burn more wood, so be sure to choose one that fits your needs.
When it comes to reducing the emissions of your fireplace, you may also want to install a carbon monoxide detector. You may also want to store ashes in a covered metal container. It is also important to use dry wood. The more wood you burn, the more particulate matter will build up in the chimney.
Buying an EPA certified wood fireplace will make your home more energy efficient and will help reduce the amount of harmful emissions that you produce. Depending on the state, there may also be incentive programs available to encourage homeowners to switch to more environmentally friendly options.
Wood fireplaces have been around for centuries. However, the design of these units has changed significantly over the years. A new generation of wood stoves are more efficient and safer than their predecessors. You can choose from an array of models and styles, including arched door designs, smooth lines, and more.